Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How to Excite a Woman's Interest With an Open Loop

Men are willing to do a lot of silly stuff just to get the attention of a very attractive woman. They exercise different techniques to pique the interest of the girl by showing that they have an unusually interesting intelligence to demonstrating that they are interesting individuals so they try to share fascinating stories about themselves. Oftentimes, when a man's technique failed to work, he is oftentimes left to thinking what could have gone wrong- was her boring, was he ugly and the list goes on. Those who are left bitter think that she was already involved and she simply wasn't interested in him.
Haven't you thought that if you keep on getting the same response with women, there might actually be something wrong with you? A guy who dismisses himself as someone boring has actually something to offer if he changes the way he carries his conversations. The secret here is knowing how to keep an open loop. This is where you keep the interest of the other person by engaging her in a conversation. You must think that this is impossible - it's not.
This technique requires you to open a conversation where she has to hang into the words you say and instead of finishing the topic giving her a closure, you then move to the next topic. The idea behind here is that you stir her emotions to seek for closure and if she is unable to get this from the initial conversation, she seeks out for closure and without her even knowing it, you are already weaving emotional connection with her and this will compel her to see you as a prized possession.
The next time you meet an attractive girl, dismiss the fact that you are an average looking guy. You must by all means think of an opener that will pique her interest, something that will flicker a tension in her. Instead of coming out with a line that says, "Let me tell you how I came to be a homeless person" (which will make her dismiss you as a loser), try to spark her interest instead with a line like "Do you know what they say about women with blond hair?" You are creating a tension by touching her interest and she then turns to you for a closure prolonging the attention she is giving you.
By the way, do you want to learn more about how to fearlessly approach women, exactly what to say to start a conversation and begin attracting women you desire?

Article source- http://ezinearticles.com/?How-to-Excite-a-Womans-Interest-With-an-Open-Loop&id=5519261

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